Class Information

Welcome to all of you:

Salam and hi everyone. 

Please use our class website BI @ SMTDR Lenggong. The objective of its creation is to serve as the main place of reference for your English Language learning. Use it well. If you have any feedback, do PM me :)

- Mr Nazrimi

Video Introduction 

(Adapted from Form 1 Orientation Week's Video):

The short video below is my introduction. Let's hope that you will be able to confidently use English Language, for your excellence in SPM; and also; in your lives.

- Mr Nazrimi

Pengenalan Mr. Nazrimi.mp4

List of Mr Nazrimi's classes

Primary Learning (with teacher)

1.This page = This page is the primary source of learning, to be used with Zoom/Google Meet classes.

2. PT3 Tips = To be used with PdPR Module.

3. CEFR Companion = To be used with PdPR Module.

4. Liveworksheets = To be used with Zoom/Google Meet class.

5. Class Padlets = To be used with Zoom/Google Meet classes.

- All the above are important for use before/during/after PdPR classes

Secondary learning (self-learning/on your own)

1. Learning Cecklist = Please refer to the links listed in this page which could help students in their self learning.

2. Vocabulary = To expose pupils to a range of useful vocabulary in the English Language.

3. Grammar = Please refer to the links listed in this page to review important grammatical structure.

4. British Council = Please refer to this page for self-learning under the 4 KSSM Themes. Words used here are more complicated than A2.

5. EL Tiktok= Please refer to my favourite EL resources using Tiktok

- All the above are useful for your own self-learning (pembelajaran kendiri).